We are
A group of people like you, from all backgrounds, who know Lacey Timberland Library’s excellent resources for our community will increase with support and a willingness to help. Becoming involved is a great opportunity to have fun and make friendships. What better way to enjoy oneself while providing a satisfying and worthwhile community service?
There’s a place waiting for you.
New members with fresh ideas are needed to help us towards our goal. Good workers are essential in helping run our book sales. Love to meet people? Spend the day at community events promoting the library and the Friends. You may choose to support us financially rather than actively. All are welcome!
Membership has its perks. Friends members may serve on the Board of Directors or its committees. They get first crack at the newest used books at a members-only pre-sales. Volunteers at a book sort or book sale may borrow used books and materials before they go on sale.
Interested in getting involved? Please join us!
To join, just click on the link below to open the membership form (Adobe Reader required, obtain it for free here), print it out, and complete it. Mail the form with your check or cash to the address listed on the form. You may also bring your form and payment to the library and put them in the Book Place depository box next to the bookshelves.
Annual membership dues are $10 for individuals and $20 for families. Life membership is $100, lifetime family membership is $150. Senior and student membership dues are $5 per year. Dues run for the calendar year, from January 1 to December 31. Memberships paid after October 1st will carry over through the end of the next year.
Checks are payable to the Friends of the Lacey Library. Your canceled check is your receipt. All dues, donations, gifts, and memorials are tax-deductible.
The Friends board meets on the second Wednesday from noon to 1:30 pm every other month (January, March, May, July, September, and November) at the Lacey Timberland Library meeting room. Committees meet as needed. To join a committee or volunteer, call
the library at (360) 491-3860 or email us at laceylibraryfriends@gmail.com.
Our Promise to You

The policy of the Friends of the Lacey Library (FoLL) is to never share the personal information of its members to any group or person, including other members. FoLL uses this information solely for its own business purposes, to include notifying members of book sales and other events. It also does not issue membership cards. All members are able to avail themselves of the book sales before the general public.